HomeApple Faces Steepest iPhone Market Decline Since Covid as Chinese Competitors SurgeBlogApple Faces Steepest iPhone Market Decline Since Covid as Chinese Competitors Surge

Apple Faces Steepest iPhone Market Decline Since Covid as Chinese Competitors Surge

The global smartphone market has witnessed a notable resurgence in the first quarter, according to a report by IDC. However, amidst this recovery, tech giant Apple Inc. finds itself grappling with its most significant iPhone shipment decline since the Covid-19 pandemic began.

Struggles in China

Since the launch of its latest-generation iPhone in September, Apple has encountered challenges in maintaining sales momentum, particularly in China, the world’s largest smartphone market. Despite a broader rebound in the smartphone industry, Apple’s iPhone shipments plunged by 10 percent in the March quarter, falling below analysts’ expectations.

Impact on Market Share

Apple shipped 50.1 million iPhones in the first three months of the year, marking a 9.6 percent year-on-year drop, the sharpest decline for the company since the disruptions caused by Covid-related supply chain issues in 2022. This decline is particularly significant given the overall growth of the mobile market, which saw a 7.8 percent increase in shipments compared to the previous year.

Rise of Chinese Competitors

The resurgence of Chinese competitors, including Huawei Technologies Co. and Xiaomi Corp., coupled with Beijing’s restrictions on foreign devices in workplaces, has further compounded Apple’s challenges in China. Xiaomi’s phone shipments surged by 33.8 percent in the first quarter, narrowing the gap with Apple, while Huawei’s unexpected comeback with its proprietary chips and HarmonyOS operating system has eaten into Apple’s share of the premium Chinese market since August.

Consumer Behavior and Market Dynamics

The changing landscape of consumer preferences, with a growing inclination towards premium models and longer ownership cycles, presents additional hurdles for Apple. Despite maintaining the highest prices in the industry, Apple has resorted to unusual discounts to stimulate sales, including discounts of up to $180 in China.

Future Outlook

As the smartphone market continues to evolve, Apple faces the dual challenge of retaining its existing customer base and attracting new users. The company’s recent opening of a flagship store in Shanghai underscores its commitment to the Chinese market, where it accounts for about a fifth of its sales, primarily driven by iPhone purchases.


While Apple remains a formidable player in the global smartphone arena, the latest data highlights the intensifying competition from Chinese rivals and the shifting dynamics of consumer preferences. As the tech giant navigates these challenges, its ability to innovate and adapt to evolving market trends will be crucial in maintaining its position in the highly competitive smartphone market.

Source: Bloomberg