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iOS 17: A Rocky Start with iPhone Users

Apple’s much-anticipated iOS 17, released on September 18, hasn’t found the swift adoption it might have hoped for. While touted as a groundbreaking update, users are hesitating, and the numbers reflect this hesitation starkly.

According to Mixpanel, a mere 26.2% of compatible iPhone users have embraced iOS 17. Even the critical update, version 17.0.3, designed to tackle overheating issues in iPhone 15 models, has only been adopted by around 15% of users. In stark contrast, nearly 45% of iPhones are running the stable iOS 16 versions (16.6, 16.6.1, and 16.7), favored by conservative users seeking reliability.

What’s causing this hesitance? Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. Numerous complaints about iOS 17 have surfaced, with poor Wi-Fi performance being one of the most glaring issues. Users have reported slow data downloads and erratic connections, hampering app usage, including popular ones like Threads, TikTok, and Safari.

This less-than-stellar reception reflects a significant drop in upgrade rates. Comparing to iOS 16, iOS 17’s adoption has plummeted by almost 24%. This decline underscores the growing apprehension among iPhone users to embrace new updates swiftly.

The rocky start for iOS 17 begs the question: will Apple swiftly address these issues, instilling confidence back into its user base? As iPhone users remain cautious, Apple faces the challenge of swiftly rectifying these problems, ensuring a smoother transition for its users into the iOS 17 experience. Only time will tell if Apple can turn the tide and bring back the enthusiasm for its latest operating system.