HomeMemory Revolution: Micron’s Monolithic 32GB DDR5 Circuit Steps into the SpotlightBlogMemory Revolution: Micron’s Monolithic 32GB DDR5 Circuit Steps into the Spotlight

Memory Revolution: Micron’s Monolithic 32GB DDR5 Circuit Steps into the Spotlight

Micron has once again pushed the boundaries of memory technology with its latest unveilings. The company recently introduced the world to its astonishingly fast HBM3 Gen2 memory, boasting an incredible speed of 1.2 TB/s. But that’s not all – Micron is also gearing up to mass-produce 32GB DDR5 chips, signaling a new era of memory innovation.

Building on the foundation of their previously introduced 24GB DDR5 chips, Micron is set to revolutionize the market with 32GB DDR5 chips and even higher capacity modules, scheduled for mass production in the first half of 2024. These groundbreaking developments were announced alongside Micron’s HBM3 Gen2 memory revelation.

The 32GB DDR5 chips represent a monumental leap in memory technology. Manufactured using Micron’s cutting-edge 1β (1-beta) process, which notably doesn’t involve extreme ultraviolet lithography, these monolithic memory circuits promise unparalleled performance. While specific data rates for the new 32GB chips remain undisclosed, they unlock the tantalizing possibility of 1TB DDR5 modules. However, Micron has opted for a measured approach, choosing to roll out 128GB modules in the coming year.

The term “HBM3 Gen2 memory” is well-deserved, given the impressive aggregate bandwidth of 1.2TB/s through an 8-level stack. With a maximum capacity of 24GB (with 36GB circuits on the horizon), this new generation of memory outshines its predecessor, HBM2E, by a staggering 2.5 times in energy efficiency.

Looking ahead, Micron’s roadmap is nothing short of ambitious. The company’s plans include the introduction of HBMNex memory, possibly referred to as HBM4. This next-level memory is projected to deliver an astonishing bandwidth of 2+ TB/s and a capacity of up to 64GB, expected to hit the market in 2026.

Micron’s trailblazing innovations are a testament to their commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology. As the company continues to redefine what’s possible in the realm of memory solutions, the tech world can anticipate a future that’s faster, more efficient, and brimming with possibilities